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This workshop is limited to 15 participants
This workshop is limited to 30 participants
With Josh Henkin
Josh Henkin's HKC workshop is on September 6th from 8:30am - 5:30pm
Josh Henkin's DVRT workshop is on September 7th from 8:30am - 5:30pm
Get Certified in the Level I Dynamic Variable Resistance Training (DVRT) and HardStyle Kettlebell Certified (HKC) Courses—Over One Special Weekend
Dragon Door presents a special partnership with Josh Henkin, Senior RKC and DVRT Master Instructor, offering a unique opportunity to certify at the world’s preeminent sandbag and kettlebell training programs. Save over ten percent on your normal tuition investment when you register today for the two-workshop package.For complete information on the DVRT Level I course click here.For complete information on the HKC course click here.
Special offer: Register also for Josh Henkin’s HKC workshop on September 6th and receive a 10% discount off each workshop.
This workshop is limited to 25 participants
This workshop is limited to 20 participants
This workshop is limited to 12 participants
Josh Henkin’s HKC workshop is on September 20th from 8:30am - 5:30pm
Josh Henkin’s DVRT workshop is on September 21st from 8:30am - 5:30pm
Dragon Door presents a special partnership with Josh Henkin, Senior RKC, CSCS and creator of the DVRT Ultimate Sandbag Training system, offering a unique opportunity to certify at the world’s preeminent sandbag and kettlebell training programs. Save over ten percent on your normal tuition investment when you register today for the two-workshop package.For complete information on the DVRT Level I course click here.For complete information on the HKC course click here.
Special offer: Register also for Josh Henkin’s HKC workshop on September 20th and receive a 10% discount off each workshop.
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